
+31687109183 (alleen whatsapp)



Bergselaan 263D, Rotterdam

Here you can read more about the services we offer. All our services have the aim to increase wellbeing.

Healing Treatments

– Neck/Shoulder/Back massage
– Facial massage
– Relaxing massage
– Lomi Lomi massage
– Holistic massage (Mix of Reiki and massage)
– Reiki session
– Reiki chakrahealing with chrystals

Yoga outside

Yoga unites body and mind together. The movements increases a healthy body and by becoming aware of the breath the mind can relax.

We offer at this moment Hatha and Relax flow yoga classes.
You are welcome to join a class at Vroesenpark.

Courses and Events

Reiki courses
Reiki 1: learn the history and how to heal yourself
Reiki 2: Learn how to heal others and Reiki symbols
Reiki Master (on request possible): Learn how to teach others Reiki


Goddess circle (online)
The Goddess circle is meant to connect us with our inner Goddess, the strength within. In the workshop I offer information about the Goddesses archetypes, a Cacao ceremony and different excersizes to connect with ourselves and eachother as a sisterhood. This is a chance to open the heart to feel our true self and furfill our true potential.

One day or longer retreats with yoga, meditation, breathwork, soundhealing and more. The first edition was a 4-day yoga retreat at buzzing campside of ‘De Lievelinge’.