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Bergselaan 263D, Rotterdam

Cosmic Doorways

Psychedelic Art Exhibition – Ancient Wisdom Ritual – Sacred Sound Journey – Cacao ceremony

A journey of the senses! To reconnect with the Neo-Ancestral memories of our forgotten history, in an attempt to bring this knowledge forth into the dawn of the New Earth. With a new collection of multimedia and painted artworks based on the Mayan cosmovision by Guatemalan artist Sebastian Apox and the ancient Egyptian key of life by Dutch artist Yasmin Gaia. Introduction to the Mayan calendar as a tool for consciousness expansion with sacred psilocybin and cacao medicine ceremony by Sebastian Apox. You will then receive a sound healing while laying down by Alanos Luminos with Reiki healing and blue lotus tea meditation by Yasmin Gaia. With the exhibition opening Zet will give a dance performance and tarot readings by Yasmin Gaia.

– Guatemalan Cacao
– Psilocybin Micro-dose
– Egyptian Blue Lotus
– Ankh meditation
– Sound journey with reiki
– Art exhibition + live sounds + performance
– Tarot reading

13:00 – 14:53 Welcoming ceremony, Mayan calendar introduction & Nahual readings by Yasmin Gaia and Sebastian Apox
14:53 – 16:03 Sound healing ceremony by Alanos Luminos with Reiki by Yasmin Gaia.
16:03 – 16:33 Blue lotus tea ceremony and Egyptian Ankh meditation by Yasmin Gaia
16:33 – 17:00 Intermission – Integration Time
17:00 – 18:00 Opening Exhibition Cosmic Doorways with dance performance by Zet, Live sound by Alanos Luminos and Tarot readings – Exhibition open for others to join

Date: 15th of July
13:00-18:00 Cosmic Doorways workshop + Exhibition (buy your ticket)
17:00-18:00 Free entrance exhibition (reserve your free ticket)
Locatie: Gaia Center, Bergwegplantsoen 10z, 9e verdieping
Price: Buy your ticket according to your income!