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Bergselaan 263D, Rotterdam

LEAP with Laura

Life can feel overwhelming sometimes.
Most of us live in our minds, trying to control and fix ourselves and whatever happens around us.
But what if life could be simpeler? And what if the key to this simplicity already lies within us?

LEAP stands for Lifeforce Energy Awakening Process. Through the sessions, you awaken your own Lifeforce energy (or kundalini energy), enabling deep healing and transformation. Gently you can let go of old patterns, conditionings or traumas that don’t serve you any more, coming closer to your essence and true Self.

During a LEAP session, you lie down with your eyes closed and music is played in different waves to support your process. Together with the music, I guide you to release into your energy and create a safe space where you can let go and reconnect with your essence. All that is asked from you is to relax, and with a child-like curiosity, allow your body and emotions to express themselves.

The experience will differ per session and person, but you might undergo some or all of these:

~emotional releases
~physical movements
~sensations of bliss

Your energy will only bring up whatever you can handle at this very moment, allowing you to transcend it. After the session, there is always time for sharing and aftercare.

To get the most out of the process, it is recommended to follow 3-5 sessions.

Would you like to book a session? Or do you have any questions? Contact me on my Instagram or send an email to 

Date and time:
24th of March 19:00 – 21:00
15th of april 10:00 – 12:00
30th of april 15:00-17:00
Locatie: Gaia Center, Bergwegplantsoen 10z, 9e verdieping
Price: 55,-